Agricultural and Rural Development Bank

Agricultural and Rural Development Bank

The Rural Development Bank was established by the Royal Government of Cambodia through sub-decree No.1, dated January 21, 1998, which named as the Rural Development Bank and mandated as a specialized bank in agriculture. In 2004, the Royal Government of Cambodia amended the roles and structures of ARDB through sub-decree No. 199, dated June 11, 2014. Henceforth, the Rural Development Bank has changed the status from a specialized bank to a commercial bank, known as the Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, in accordance with sub-decree No.124, dated August 27, 2019.
ARDB is a public enterprise functioning in the form of state-owned commercial bank and is fully independent in leading and governing the bank’s activities.
ARDB is under technical and financial supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and supervisory of the National Bank of Cambodia.

https://pafipayakumbuhkab.org gacor 777